What's On 2024/25
September 9th LECTURE Chris Frostie Frost
September 23rd Fool Us Evening. Can you fool our very own Penn and Teller?
October 7th LECTURE Paul Draper.
October 21st Halloween and spooky magic
November 4th Parlour Competition. Public welcome, no charge.
November 18th Pocket Tricks Night. In house competition, bring something that fits in your pocket.
December 2nd Money magic
December 16th The Perfect Christmas Trick.
January 6th LECTURE Matt Pritchard
January 20th Jam Night. Share a routine you know or try out something new (close up and stage).
February 3rd Scrap Heap Challenge.
February 24th Teach a move / share a skill.
March 10th Bar Bets and Sucker Tricks.
March 24th Two brains are better than one.
April 7th Close Up Table-Hopping Competition. Public Welcome, no charge.
April 21st Bank Holiday no meeting, enjoy a week off.
May 5th Cups, balls and wands (also a bank holiday)
May 19th Mentalism Evening.
May 26th LECTURE Michael Ammar
June 2nd Pull My Wand Competition
June 16th theme tbc
June 30th Stage Magic Competition. Public welcome, no charge
July 14th AGM
July 28th Social Night